Welcome to the District of Rhimes

Rhimes is a lovely island just a ferryboat ride away from Seattle. It is also an independent federal district very similar to Washington, D.C. in size, with two major towns—Shepherd’s Cove and Shonda Beach.

Rhimes is a quickly growing District, doing its best to recover from the Great Recession. Unemployment is still high, with many area residents unemployed and/or facing foreclosure on their houses.

Rhimes has a diverse population, including many first generation immigrants from Latin American countries. Recent redistricting has increased the diversity of the District even further.

The District contains two major cities, Shonda Beach and Shepherd’s Cove. Both have historically been popular tourist locations.

Shepherd’s Cove is known for its eccentric residents and cultural diversity. Twenty-one percent of those in Shepherd’s are black, 16 percent are Hispanic and 7 percent of the residents are non-white persons of color of other races. There has been a recent tech boom – creating wide disparity between historically working class natives and new young residents.

Shonda Beach is a larger and somewhat more affluent city with several colleges and universities and a developed tourist industry that caters to the wealthy. There are also large Evangelical Protestant and Catholic churches throughout the city. However the economic collapse has left many communities with vacant homes that were foreclosed on during the mortgage crisis.

The Democratic candidate for the Mayor of the District of Rhimes will compete against Republican opponent Mellie Grant.

You can learn more about the candidates in the race:

Cristina Yang
Miranda Bailey
Addison Montgomery​​
Callie Torres​
Owen Hunt
Jackson Avery
Arizona Robbins
Alex Karev

Voting will take place between 9am-4pm on Friday, July 31st. All voting takes place online.

Follow the campaign using #BootCamp9 and Meet the BootCampers behind the teams on our blog.

This campaign scenario was created for #BootCamp9, a training program designed to teach digital organizing skills through simulation. It is entirely fictional, with thanks to Shonda Rhimes for inspiration.